And yet, by some grace of the 'it's-your-lucky-day' gods, a young woman in Akron, Ohio browsed a local garage sale and turned 5 bucks into a 10,000 dollar come up. A diamond pendant made by Jason of Beverly Hills for your favorite
Check the vid.
My question is, how did the garage sale lady get her hands on LeBron's necklace in the first place? Secondly, was she aware that it was worth $9,670 dollars when she let it go for the equivalent of a cup of Frappacino?
Or was she secretly a LeBron hater...? The world may never know.
Granted, the purchase took place over four years ago, long before "the Decision", but even Vaneisha's untrained eye I could spot those GIA certified diamonds glistening on her 23 jersey pendant.
If anyone should happen upon this Kobe jersey that we made a while back, I strongly advise you to hold on to it. ~vK

I wonder if LeBron will buy it back from her now that he's in miami